登记 & 时间表


活动海报Register early so you can get the classes you need at the times you want and enjoy your summer break without having to worry about your fall schedule.

什么? 2024年秋季提前报名!  报名参加所有最好的课程 months before the 术语 starts, even if you have holds on your account!

谁? 你! 你是VIP! 所有在博天堂官方上课的学生都是vip 在我们的书中.

当? 5月15日,星期三,早上7点开始. 可以找到指导注册协助 in the 第一个旅游胜地 (first floor, Takena Hall) from 9:00am to 5:00pm.

在哪里? 在线! Login to your WebRunner from the comfort of your home or swing by the First 求助于亲自登记排除故障. 完成后,享受VIP待遇 在公共场所提供食物、娱乐和游戏!

为什么? Register ahead of time for your ideal schedule so you don’t have to worry about it 暑假期间. 这样做不仅使你的日程安排完美,因为你先给自己 pick at classes before they fill up, it also automatically enters you into a drawing 赢得2024年秋季学期最多12学分的学费减免*!


Let us help you check important items off your to-do list like seeing your advisor, getting your financial aid in order, checking your degree progress, and planning the 完美的安排.


With 会员注册 on May 15, it's important to know which classes you'll need 在秋天. 如果你已经有了最新的教育计划,那很好! 如果你不知道, 是时候和你的导师约个时间了.



Review the plan you made with your advisor in Degreeworks and monitor your academic 完成学位的进度. 看看你需要拿什么,你已经拿了什么 被带走了,还有剩下的.



当钱在大学里变得有趣时,这从来都不是一件好笑的事. 战胜…的压力 this by submitting your FAFSA application well before the priority deadline for fall 术语.



上课没有唯一正确的方法. 有些学生更喜欢面对面,有些学生更喜欢 远程. The important thing is to understand your options and make the choice that 是适合你的. 确保你理解了在线,虚拟, hybrid, in-person, and flexible delivery modes (and how to identify them when registering).



Student 时间表r allows you to design your schedule based on your other time commitments, 课程需求和首选交付模式. 然后,在注册当天,只需去 在您的WebRunner注册中的计划选项卡,然后单击“提交”.” 这是一个视频演示的学生调度的行动.

You can get started on planning your 课程 as soon as the fall schedule of classes 在5月13日敲定.


使用 登记工具包 了解如何注册和解决问题. 提示:总 检查你的时间表 在您注册后,确保您的注册已完成.

在注册当天需要帮助? 第一度假村设有学生大使 通过电子邮件,电话,以及Zoom室. 请按此查阅详情及联络资料.

IMPORTANT: if you still owe spring 术语 tuition, you will be able to register for fall classes on 会员注册 day but you will be dropped from your summer and fall classes if your spring tuition isn’t paid by the final deadline. 看到付款 这里的最后期限.




On WebRunner,就像你的常规注册一样! 如果你不确定如何在WebRunner上注册, 你可以得到帮助 第一个旅游胜地 (学生支援中心).


It is not required but it is highly recommended so you can stay on-track to graduate. Learn how to find your advisor’s name and schedule an appointment.


首先,看看我们的 登记工具包. 或者,如果你需要人工帮助,请联系 第一个旅游胜地 (学生支援中心).

Can I register on 会员注册 Day if I still owe money from a previous 术语?


Financial holds (also called “payment holds”) are from unpaid, past-due bills. If you have unpaid tuition or fees from winter 术语 or previous, you will have a hold 这将阻止您在VIP注册日注册.

If you have unpaid tuition from spring, you will be able to register until week 9 春季学期. Remember that you will eventually be dropped from your fall 课程 如果账单未付. 点击此处查看付款截止日期. You can check for holds in WebRunner under “Student 账户” > “View Holds.”



  • Register for at least nine credits at 博天堂官方 for Fall 2024; and
  • Register on 会员注册 Day (May 15) or Veteran’s Priority (May 14) to be included 在图纸中.  

获奖者将在5月17日随机抽取并联系. 赢家有选择 接受或拒绝学费减免奖. 豁免最多适用于12个学分 仅限2024年秋季博天堂官方课程的学费. 学费减免将是 在2023年秋季学期的加/退截止日期之后申请. 学费减免则不然 refundable or transferable to other individuals or to other 术语s. 获胜者受到鼓励 to check how the prize may affect their financial aid if aid is received prior to 利用学费减免.

I am a high school student who takes classes on the 博天堂官方 campuses. 我可以参加吗??

You may be eligible to participate but must meet with your 博天堂官方 advisor first. 联系 布伦达Yahraes 了解更多信息.


你仍然需要得到你的教练的签名. 给老师发邮件 in advance of 会员注册 day and request a “登记 Override”. 如果批准, 这将允许你注册这门课.


For 课程 with waitlists, 会员注册 is no different than any other registration 期.. If you get on the waitlist and an enrolled student drops, you will receive 在48小时内通过电子邮件通知WebRunner注册. 你必须迅速行动 如果你想要这个位置! 这是我们的等候名单指南.

提示: 如果你是 still on the waitlist by the first day of class, attend the class in case 注册学生退学或不上学. 如果现在有空位,你 will need an 教练 signature to register (because you are technically registering 晚).

什么 if I register on 会员注册 Day but change my mind about my schedule or 课程?

Priority 登记 for continuing, degree-seeking students begins the day following 会员注册. 这取决于你有多少学分,你可能需要等待 您的优先注册时段(请参阅 校历)进行任何更改.


If you would like to register for ALP (special paired sections of WR 115 & WR 121 totaling 6 Writing credits), it is best to get this process started before 会员注册 这样你就可以围绕它制定你的时间表.

The decision to take ALP is a decision that should be made with your current writing 教练.


Identified veterans may register one day ahead of 会员注册 Day! 检查你的 博天堂官方电子邮件了解如何提前注册的详细信息. 如果你没有透露你的老兵身份 status on your 博天堂官方 application and you have not received information about veteran’s 优先注册,联系 招生办公室.


A 登记 Hold freezes your registration activity and stops you from adding or 把类. 学生可能会因为各种原因而被注册.

To view your holds, go to WebRunner> 登记> Register:Add/Drop Classes> Prepare 注册. 如果您有事,会有一个电话号码. 调用这个 关于如何解决或解除hold的说明号码.

有关注册持有的一般信息,请查看我们的 注册持有指南.

我正经历经济困难. 我有什么选择?

Many students end up with a 登记 Hold due to financial hardship. 如果你是 遇到财务困难,请联系 Roadrunner资源中心 有关基本需要和学生紧急补助金的资料.

If you have a financial hold because of an issue with your Federal 金融援助 (via the FAFSA) or veteran’s benefits, please contact the 金融援助 Office. 同时,检查 your WebRunner account for outstanding financial aid documentation that may be stalling 你的奖.


You can pay your bill (account balance) via one of the following methods:

  • 在线在你的WebRunner“学生帐户”选项卡.
  • 电话是541-917-4312.
  • 邮寄至:
    太平洋大道6500号. SW
    奥尔巴尼,OR 97321

For Student 账户 questions, you can reach the Business Office:

  • 电话:541-917-4312(星期一至五,上午9:00至下午3:00)
  • 通过电子邮件发送给以下任何一位商务办公室工作人员:

Priority registration for summer 2024 begins on May 6 (or May 2 for identified veterans). 检查 校历 浏览时段及详情.

If you’d like to have 金融援助 cover your summer 课程, you need to first submit your FAFSA for the 2023-2024 year and then submit the additional “Revision Request 形式”,找到了 经济援助文件页面